Thursday, February 7, 2013

RSS, VHP nod to Modi as PM candidate

The VHP and the RSS have given their nod for Gujarat CM Narendra Modi to be projected as the BJP’s prime ministerial candidate. The approval came in the presence of 10,000 sadhu-sants at the Kumbh mela in Allahabad on Thursday.
Supporters of the Gujarat CM shouted slogans of “Modi laao, desh bachao” outside the VHP pandal, prompting RSS chief Mohan Bhagwat to endorse Modi. “The demand for Modi to become PM is not only being made here, but it is also happening all over the country. Those responsible for this will have to consider it,” he said. Bhagwat hailed Modi’s development model in Gujarat and said it was being talked about in India and abroad.
VHP leader Acharya Giriraj Kishore echoed Bhagwat’s views. “Modi is every inch fit for the job... he has proved himself,” he said.
“He has performed a miracle in Gujarat. He can do that for India too,” said Swami Vasudevacharya of Ayodhya. “We don’t want NDA or UPA. We want Modi.”

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